• Vitaria Wahyu Astuti STIKES RS Baptis Kediri
  • Rimawati Rimawati STIKES RS Baptis Kediri
Keywords: Community Capacity, Communication and Coordination, Knowledge, active role, disaster management


Disasters are events that cannot be known by anyone and we will never know when they will come, so everyone needs to know the stages of disaster management and be able to apply them when a disaster occurs because this is one of the strategies in reducing disaster risk. This study used a literature review design of 9 published scientific articles according to inclusion criteria. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of the community in disaster management. The results of a literature study on the ability of the community in disaster management can be divided into 3 themes, namely: 1) Ability in communication and coordination at each stage of a disaster 2) The community is able to know the signs and symptoms of a disaster based on local wisdom, 3) The community is able to play an active role in every stage of disaster management. The ability of the community in disaster management is a state asset to be able to stay strong in dealing with disasters that occur, because the community will be able to rise up from every news experienced when a disaster occurs.
