JARSI - Jurnal Administrasi Rumah Sakit Indonesia
Jurnal Administrasi Rumah Sakit Indonesia (JARSI) diinisiasi oleh Unit Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat STIKES RS Baptis Kediri. Sebagai jurnal ilmiah, JARSI memiliki fokus di bidang administrasi dan manajemen pelayanan kesehatan di Rumah Sakit dan masyarakat. Artikel atau naskah ilmiah yang dimuat dalam JARSI mencakup ranah manajemen pelayanan kesehatan, manajemen mutu, manajemen sumber daya manusia, manajemen keuangan, manajemen pemasaran, keselamatan pasien dan lain-lain, baik berupa penelitian, studi kasus maupun review literatur.
JEMARI : Journal of Health and Medical Record Indonesia
Journal of Health and Medical Record Indonesia (JEMARI) is a peer-review journal published by the STIKES RS Baptis Kediri.
Journal of Health and Medical Record Indonesia (JEMARI) facilitates scientific publication of researches in Indonesia to boost the quality and quantity of research for academics and researchers.
Journal of Health and Medical Record Indonesia (JEMARI) aims to provide scientific contributions in the health sector, especially medical records and health information management as well as has an impact on improving the quality of public health.
Journal of Health and Medical Record Indonesia (JEMARI) published two times a year, in February and August by publishing research results and critical Analysis.
JEMARI is a scientific journal that accommodates all health groups, especially medical records. Articles published in JKRM cover all fields of health, nursing, hospital management, medical records and health information, health technology, and other health science groups.